


Christ Lutheran School operates a Preschool following our Day School's yearly schedule. 

Preschool is open to children who are 3, 4, or 5 years old by September 1 and potty-trained. 

Some Highlights of the Program:

Faith Based: "Jesus Time" is a key part of our day when we learn about the power of God and His great love for us.

Academic Focus: Letters, numbers, colors, and shapes are introduced in fun ways which will lay a foundation for later learning.  In addition, monthly themes help us learn about the world around us.

Rotating Curriculum: Since many children may attend more than one year of preschool, our program has a two-year rotating curriculum.  The basic skills taught remain the same, but the themes and projects will change, providing children with new things to learn each year.

Learning Through Play: Research has found that much of a young child's learning takes place through structured play situations.  Therefore, ample opportunities will be given for children to learn in organized learning centers throughout the classroom.


If you would like more information about our Preschool program, please contact the school office at (402) 564-3531 


